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A bi-product of Sensory Research's "Sequential Progression" show is that ThoughtConduit now has built-in support for Open Sound Control. This means the both the client application and server can communicate with audio, video and multimedia applications (MAX/MSP, Common LISP, Csound) that support OSC. We demonstrated this feature with the P5 Virtual Reality glove. The glove was used to control video playback and generate audio in Thoughtconduit Client. On a more basic level, we've simplified the client application's graphical user interface. There are more menu options to do what you need to do faster. We've also improved our documentation and archiving navigation on the webserver. Many pages now feature links backwards through your web page hierarchy. Updated documentation will be posted over the next week. Stay tuned for even more great stuff!

A bi-product of Sensory Research's "Sequential Progression" show is that ThoughtConduit now has built-in support for Open Sound Control. This means the both the client application and server can communicate with audio, video and multimedia applications (MAX/MSP, Common LISP, Csound) that support OSC. We demonstrated this feature with the P5 Virtual Reality glove. The glove was used to control video playback and generate audio in Thoughtconduit Client. On a more basic level, we've simplified the client application's graphical user interface. There are more menu options to do what you need to do faster. We've also improved our documentation and archiving navigation on the webserver. Many pages now feature links backwards through your web page hierarchy. Updated documentation will be posted over the next week.

Stay tuned for even more great stuff!

ThoughtConduit v19.9.2B